Tuesday, July 12, 2016


MATLT Program Learning Objective(s): Program Learning Outcome 8 "Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of learning and leadership"

This project demonstrates the ability to use UDL in a diverse learning environment to benefit all cultural backgrounds.

            Web 2.0 is an LMS that “supports different modes of learning” (Brown & Adler).  Learning 2.0 is a new form of enhanced learning technology.  Learning 2.0 allow students to learn the way they want, at their own level of understanding.  The best way to use Web 2.0 resources to support learning is to make it available in classrooms at all levels of education, from elementary schools all the way to the boardrooms.  Gone are the days when we have to open a book to get information. 
Prior MATLT Activity of Program Learning Outcome 8
Image result for learning and leadership with technology images
To demonstrate “the ability to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of learning and leadership”, is a direct link to data analysis and decision making.  Teachers depend on data a great deal in order to make decisions about the next step to take with the education of a student, such as instructional improvements and goal setting.   It’s important to follow through and take actions based on data. “What good is data if it doesn’t change something?”(Levin, Datnow, 2012).  Data is meant to either continue doing what you’re doing or change what you’re doing to make things better.  So, in reality, data does not mean anything until we place value on it, if we don’t it’s just numbers.  Many teachers agree that using data caused them to reflect more on their instructional strategies in relation to their students’ progress, and many feel that they differentiate instruction more.
Principles and Theory Chosen and Why                 
To redesign the above MATLT activity, I used the Universal Design for Learning principle and theory.  In today’s classrooms, most, if not all learners are diverse, which makes classrooms diverse, and as such, educators must take steps necessary to meet the needs of their learners in order to meet their learning goals. To do this, teachers must set goals for students, and if those goals become unmet, teachers must figure out what the barriers are and address it. UDL means flexible curriculum for a diverse classroom, it minimizes barriers and maximizes learning.  In a diverse classroom, “one size does not fit all”.
Challenges and How They Were Overcome
            The challenges of differentiating lessons require a bit of data analysis, planning, and appropriate execution of the plan.  When teachers complete a lesson and then assess, to find out that more than half the class did not understand the lesson, it becomes a big set-back for both teachers and students, because, the lesson will have to be taught once more to those students, and sometimes, the teacher may not have a way to reteach the lesson separately to those at-risk students, so then, the whole class end up having to listen to the lesson all over again.  These days, teachers are able to teach a subject to a diverse group of students through Universal Design for Learning, which allow students to learn the way it works for them.
 Solving Problems
             UDL is an approach to learning that addresses and redresses the primary barrier to learning: inflexible, one-size-fits-all curricula that raise unintentional barriers. Learners with disabilities are the most vulnerable to such barriers, but many students without disabilities also find that curricula are poorly designed to meet their learning needs. UDL helps meet the challenges of diversity by recommending the use of flexible instructional materials, techniques, and strategies that empower educators to meet students’ diverse needs. A universally designed curriculum is shaped from the outset to meet the needs of the greatest number of users, making costly, time-consuming, and after-the-fact changes to the curriculum unnecessary.
In order to deal with the barriers that plague students, teachers are able to offer these learning capabilities to meet student needs.  
Image result for UDL images

  • Multiple means of representation – using a variety of methods to presentation, provide a range of means to support

  • Multiple means of action and expression – providing learners with alternative ways to act skillfully and demonstrate what they know

  • Multiple means of engagement – tapping into learners’ interests by offering choices of content and tools; motivating learners by offering adjustable levels of challenge
The introduction of Web 2.0 which supports different modes of learning, as well as provide important data about our students, has made it possible for many students to overcome barriers which otherwise may not have been possible.  Currently, with the use of technology, students are able to learn without borders, teachers have access to a multitude of technological learning tools to meet the learning needs of a diverse population.  The more advance technology becomes, the easier it will become for students to learn and teachers will have access to learning tools that will help them deliver lessons in a more efficient manner.

Google. (n.d.)  UDL At a Glance. Image of udl classroom.  Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?q=learning+and+leadership+with+technology+images&rlz

Levin, J.A., Datnow, A. (2012).  University of California, San Diego.  The Principle Role in Data Driven Decision Making: Using case study data  to develop multi-mediator models of educational reform.  Retrieved from https://ccl.northwestern.edu/papers/2012/LevinDatnow2012.pdf

Boardman, A., Arguelles, M., Vaughn, S., Hughes, M., and Klingner, J. (2005). Special education teachers’ views of research-based practices. The Journal of Special Education, 39(3), 168-180.

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